The ministry also called on Jordanians “to distance themselves from illegal and unauthorised activities”, stressing that it will not allow such activities to take place. As a result of these actions, four public security men were injured and taken to hospital.”Įarlier, the interior ministry said in a statement that it was investigating calls that had gone out to hold gatherings that would violate the law, similar to previous gatherings that “prejudice societal peace and the rule of law”. Explore Amma Ramachandra profile at Times of India for photos, videos and latest news of Amma Ramachandra. The media spokesman for the public security directorate said: “A security force dealt with rioting, burning vehicles and shooting in the air by a group of people on Saturday evening, in the Naour area. Amma Ramachandra News: Latest and Breaking News on Amma Ramachandra. Leaders of Australia’s mining, oil and gas, and allied health service sectors are uniting this month to increase efforts to stamp out sexual harassment in its workplaces. In a separate statement published by the agency, the security services said that four members of a security force who were “dealing with riots in the Naour area were injured while they were trying to stop the rioters”. National forum to stamp out sexual harassment Safe to Work 8 November 2021. Amma Asante’s task in directing two episodes of the FX limited series, Mrs.
Friedan debate was just as challenging as recreating the ’72 convention EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW 22/10/20. The official Jordanian news agency Petra cited the interior ministry saying that some members of the security forces were injured after Saturday’s violence in the Malha area near the road leading to Queen Alia International Airport. America’ director) on how shooting the Schlafly vs. The lawmaker, Osama al-Ajarma, was banned from the legislature for a year late last month for insulting the body in a speech, inciting calls for protests by members of his tribe.
Jordan’s security forces have faced “armed attacks” in the capital Amman, according to the authorities, after tribal supporters of a lawmaker who was banned from the kingdom’s parliament clashed with the police on Saturday. Snow fell on Amman, Jordan, overnight with residents waking up to a city blanketed in white on January 27.